Scent of Africa

When you are trying to recall a scent to your memory, the scent of a place, a person, something you love - you will fail. It's pictures that you can call in your mind
and yes melodies, too.
But how does it come, that scents are so well connected to your emotional memory? Smell a wellknown scent again - and time skips - you'll feel fooled, cause you'll feel exactly the same as you did before as if no time ever has passed.
Did it happen to you?

I could smell I'm back to Africa, somehow dusty, smokey, fruity, warm, sweet a bit of melting plastic, little rotten but fresh at the same time. Bilnding light made me squinting, sun burned on my skin at once.

I stripped from my winter clothes and from my winter worries, dropped that skin of exhaustion of the previous weeks, felt liberated, newborn with my nose in african air.

We were picked up with that hospital-car of St. Rupperts Mission, and after storing our backpacks on the roof of that tough old hulk we set of for the BUSH.


Seems like nobody in this country would voluntary go to that remote place, forgotten community, but with the most heart-warming people you can imagine.

I know I´ve let you wait for my report and pictures.....
....let me catch up by and by, I promise you it'll be a good story, including giant toxic snakes and hard girls work and new insights of mine!

...to be continued!

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